Prayer Guide 05 July 2020


Connecting my heart to the heart of the Father
Father, it is through Jesus Christ, Who bore the punishment for my sin on the cross, that it is possible for me to have peace with You and peace in my daily living. Your Word says that the presence of peace in my life is an evidence of the fruit of the Holy Spirit, and I ask that this might increasingly be true of me, that my life might be filled with Your peace, ruling my heart in all things.

Thank You, Jesus, for giving me Your peace which is unlike anything the world can offer. May Your peace consistently rule in my heart as, for I confess that there are many ways that I live, in which I do not rest in You or trust in You, and therefore do not experience Your peace in my life. Forgive me, Father, for my anxious heart has weighed me down (Pause and commit the burdens of your heart to the Lord).

Your Word has promised that the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace – this is what I desire, Lord! Father, I ask that Your Holy Spirit control my mind and empower me to take every thought captive to make it obedient to Christ. May I not be anxious about anything, but instead, may my mind be steadfast, trusting in You alone, that Your perfect peace may rest upon my life.

In my daily living and all relationships, may I truly seek and pursue peace until it flows out of my life like a river. Help me, I pray, to make every effort within the Body of Christ to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace with my brothers and sisters (Pause and pray for those who the Holy Spirit brings to mind).

I confess, Lord Jesus, that You alone are my peace – You alone are able to quiet every storm that I face. I ask that You guide my feet into the path of peace. May I lie down and sleep in peace, knowing that You keep me safe, and may my walk with You be characterized by peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. Change me, by Your Spirit, to become more and more a person of quiet confidence in You.

Strengthen me, Father, and bless me with Your peace in my life, for I have placed my trust in You. In the name of Jesus, Who commanded the storm to be still, Amen.
Galatians 5:22;Isaiah 53:5; Colossians 1:20; John 14:27; Proverbs 12:25; Romans 8:6; 2 Corinthians 10:5; Philippians 4:6;Isaiah 26:3; Luke 1:79; John 16:33; Psalm 4:8; Romans 14:17; Psalm 34:14; Isaiah 48:18; Ephesians 4:3; Psalm 29:11; Mark 4:39


Praying the heart of the Father for the ECB Faith Community
Holy Spirit, teach us to be a community of faith that is devoted to prayer. May we call on Your name continually. Teach us to pray (Colossians 4:3; Luke 11:1)!

Forgive us, Father, for the ways that we live as if we are ashamed of the Gospel. May Your power, love and grace, expressed in the Gospel grab hold of our hearts once again and change the way that we live our lives (Romans 1:16)!

In Jesus’ name, I ask that the broken hearted among our community of faith be healed. Comfort those who mourn, Father. May beauty, gladness and praise be poured out on their lives, displacing all despair (Isaiah 61:1-3).


It is written Father, “that godliness with contentment is great gain”. I ask in Jesus’ name, that godly character would grow in each of us, and that our lives would be marked by contentment in all circumstances
(1 Peter 6:6; Philippians 4:11-13).

Father, may spiritual vitality be renewed in our daily living, and all passivity and apathy be cast out in Jesus’ name. Father, make us to be a people who live out the power of the resurrection (Ephesians 1:18-20)!

It is written that we should not “love the world or the things of the world’. Help us Lord! Increase our love for You, that everything else might diminish and Christ Jesus, increase (1 John 2:15)!


ECB Prayer and Fasting Focus
Wednesdays have been set aside as a day of prayer and fasting for the ministries of ECB and to ask God for a greater outpouring of the Holy Spirit among us. You are invited to join in praying and fasting during one or all meals, or from something that is important to you. To receive a weekly Prayer and Fasting e-mail, please contact [email protected]
Father, I pray for those among us who are seeking asylum. Expedite their case files and give them favour with officials who review their paperwork. Encourage them and fill them with Your peace. Give wisdom, I pray, to the ECB Care Team and teach us by Your Spirit how to bear the burdens of those who suffer among us.

Regardless of difficulties and trials, I ask, Father, that You strengthen us so that we will not fear. Instead, may our confidence in You and Who You are. Increase and be evident in the way we live out our faith in front of those who do not yet know You (Psalm 27:3) (Pause and pray for those you know, by name, who are going through difficulties…).

I ask, Father, that You keep us from worry and fretfulness because of developing world events. May we increasingly be those who trust in You and do what is good – overcoming evil with loving good deeds. May Jesus be lived out through us in this way, I pray (Psalm 37:1, 3; Romans 12:21)!


So many among us, Father, have emotional wounds that need Your healing touch – they need a new song to sing. O God, in Your mercy, I ask that You lift them up and heal them (Psalm 40:2-3) (Pray for those you know by name, who are struggling under the weight of hurt and disappointment…).

I ask that You help us to understand what it truly means that You “take great delight in us”. I pray for my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus at ECB, who have never experienced this in any earthly relationship, and ask that You restore every fatherless heart. This day, may they hear the song You sing over them (Zephaniah 3:17).

Lord Jesus, I ask in Your most mighty name, that Your rule and reign be established over the nations of the world. Empower Your Church around the world to be salt and light – revive us, I pray. Encourage pastors, open spiritual doors that have been shut! Reveal Yourself to the peoples of the earth, that whole villages, towns – even cities, would come to know You!


I ask Father, that we would become a people who increasingly proclaim Your righteousness and speak of Your faithfulness. Make us to be loving, ‘Gospel-messengers’ I pray (Psalm 40:8-10).

Remind us continually I pray, that it is not by our own strength or ability or intellect that we prosper and have victory in the many arenas of life – it is in You, O God, that helps us and enables us to prosper (Psalm 44:5-8)!

Pray for those among the ECB community who will be moving back to their home country or on to another assignment (Pray for those you know by name...).  Ask God to raise up others to fill the areas of ministry that they will leave vacant. Ask God how you might participate in what He is doing at ECB.

Pray for those who are arriving in Bangkok and will be joining the ECB faith fellowship. Pray that the ‘welcome of Jesus’ will be clearly expressed among us and that they will quickly feel at home.


Holy Spirit, sponsor new songs of praise and worship in our hearts, I pray. May we become a people who increasingly rejoice in our salvation and give You the glory due Your name (Psalm 51:12; Psalm 96:8)!

Father, I ask that those who come to ECB seeking answers about Who You are and what it means to follow Jesus, will be drawn by the Holy Spirit to salvation. May Jesus be so seen among us, and many come to faith in Him. May there be salvation in Your house each week!

Father, I ask in the mighty name of the Lord Jesus Christ, that every curse and assignment of the enemy that has come against Your people, be crushed. Be the “wall of fire around us and the glory within” us, O God (Zechariah 2:5)!

May Your Word be proclaimed with boldness tomorrow and change all of us as we listen.